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WIRE and Scholarship Opportunities

WIRE (Women In Rural Electrification) is a statewide community service organization that was established in 1981 through the Electric Cooperatives of South Carolina, Inc.

WIRE was created as a nonprofit organization to foster interest in and understanding of the rural electric program and to improve the quality of life in rural areas. The efforts of WIRE members go beyond scholarships and fundraising to touch the lives of many people across the Palmetto State.

WIRE members participate in informative lunch meetings throughout the year and organize multiple charity drives for various local projects. All meetings are held at Horry Electric Cooperative’s Conway office. Notification of meeting dates/times are mailed to WIRE members in advance of each meeting. WIRE dues are $10.00 per year and the costs of the lunch meetings are included.

If you are a member of Horry Electric Cooperative, you are invited to join! For more information, contact Susan Brown, WIRE coordinator, at 843-369-6323 or susan.brown@horryelectric.com.

You may also complete an online application to join Horry Electric’s WIRE chapter. Your account number will be required to complete the application.