Winter Peak Hours: 6-9 a.m.
EnlightenSC is an energy education program developed by educators for the member-owned electric cooperatives in South Carolina. EnlightenSC was created to help teachers better access energy-related information and activities for their classrooms.
For Teachers
EnlightenSC provides resources for energy education, lesson plans, student competitions and more.
Horry Electric participates in an annual educational initiative and competition for fourth and fifth grade students called The Children’s Book Challenge. The contest challenges students to write and illustrate stories that focus on the impact of electricity in their lives, communities and state.
Teachers can submit books to Horry Electric. A panel of judges reads each book and grades it based on EnlightenSC’s rubric. Horry Electric will select a local winner to receive $50. The teacher or media specialist assisting with the project will also receive $50.
The local winner’s book will be sent on to a statewide competition for a chance to receive another award, and the opportunity to have their book published.
For more information on EnlightenSC, contact Toni Gore at 843-369-6359 or
2774 Cultra Road
Conway, SC 29526
5889 Hwy 707
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588
PO Box 119
Conway, SC 29528