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Winter Peak Hours: 6-9 a.m.

Residential Solar

Residential Solar Requirements

Please contact our office before you purchase a solar system, so we can ensure you have all the details. 

All facilities must be designed and installed in accordance with the National Electrical Safety Code, the National Electric Code, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Horry County Code and Horry Electric Cooperative’s rules and regulations.

Complete liability, financial and other related responsibilities are assumed by the member. Excess power can be sold back at an agreed upon price.

Initial Application Requirements:

The following items are required for Horry Electric to review and process applications for interconnected residential solar PV systems. 

Please email required documentation to solar@horryelectric.com for review and processing. Include the member’s service address or account number in the subject line. 

  1. Completed Interconnection Agreement Application
    • Proposed kW system size (includes both AC and DC output ratings)
    • Proposed battery size (in kWh) listed, if applicable.
  2. Single line diagram of proposed system installation
    • Include all proposed equipment
    • Include member’s existing meter base and electrical panels
  3. Proof of a minimum of $100,000 personal liability insurance carried by the homeowner for the property on the application
  4. $100 interconnection application fee paid to Horry Electric
    • Payments accepted via cash, check or credit/debit card by phone at (843) 369-2211
  5. Residential Solar Rate Agreement form signed by account holder
  6. Installation Authorization Release and Waiver of Liability form signed by account holder

Residential Rooftop Solar Calculator

View an estimate of your solar generation potential, ongoing costs and estimated payback for a rooftop system with our Residential Rooftop Solar Calculator.

Summer peak hours begin April 1. Peak hours will be from 3 - 6  p.m. (April 1 - October 31). Click below to learn more about rates and peak hours.