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Winter Peak Hours: 6-9 a.m.

Residential Outdoor Lighting

Important Information

Residential Outdoor Lighting is installed on a wood pole.

The one-time fee for a wood pole light fixture installed on an existing Horry Electric pole is $50.

The one-time fee for a wood pole light fixture installed on a new Horry Electric pole is $300. (If any additional pole(s) are needed, there will be additional charges.)

The monthly fee per Residential Outdoor Light is $8.50. This fee will be included in your monthly statement. Horry Electric will maintain the light at no additional charge. Please contact our office if repairs are needed and we can get the light repaired within 1-2 business days.

An Outdoor Lighting Agreement must be signed by the member and a General Release Agreement must be signed by the land owner before the installation of the Outdoor Light.

Contact a Member Service Representative at 843-369-2211 with any residential outdoor lighting questions, or to apply for your outdoor light installation.