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Winter Peak Hours: 6-9 a.m.

Energy Programs

Your Trusted Energy Advisors For 80 Years

Smart Thermostat

Purchase a smart thermostat at a reduced price today!


Get information about electric vehicles.


Protect your home against unexpected voltage surges with our Surge Guard program.

Solar Calculator

View an estimate of your solar generation potential, ongoing costs and estimated payback for a rooftop solar system.

Commercial & Industrial Lighting Rebate

View a tiered incentive for non-residential rate LED lighting replacement.

Community Solar

Sign up for the Community Solar program and share in the benefits of solar.

CNB Loan Program

Improve your home with energy-efficient upgrades. Learn if you qualify for financing options.

Tools & Savings Calculators

Access the Home Energy Advisor and a variety of calculators for opportunities to save.


Discover energy saving opportunities through Energy Saver.

View a list of approved smart thermostat, electrician, CNB Loan Program and plumbing contractors.

Smart Thermostat


Purchase an ecobee smart thermostat from Horry Electric at a reduced price by visiting the Conway or Socastee office.

**The previous Horry Electric Smart Thermostat program ended effective April 30, 2024. Please check back later for potential program opportunities.

Purchase ecobee


A smart thermostat is a programmable thermostat that connects to your home’s Wi-Fi and gives you the ability to adjust your thermostat setting to fit your schedule and save energy.

Horry Electric members have several options. You can purchase the ecobee Enhanced and/or the ecobee Premium. Both have a digital touchscreen display and both can be controlled and scheduled using a computer or smart device (phone or tablet). If you already have an ecobee smart thermostat or an Emerson Sensi smart thermostat, you can participate in our BYOT program.

The ecobee Enhanced can be purchased for $100. The ecobee Premium can be purchased for $151.

The ability to schedule your thermostat settings or to adjust them remotely can help avoid heating and cooling your home at unnecessary levels when no one is there. Based on a 2013 analysis, ecobee customers saved up to 23-percent (23%) on their heating and cooling costs.

Surge Guard

To reduce problems associated with indirect lightning and power surges, Horry Electric offers affordable, flexible protection through its Surge Guard® program. Surge Guard helps protect against unexpected voltage surges that can harm or even ruin electronic devices such as major appliances and TVs, DVD players or personal computers. Surge Guard is really a two-step program. We help you with the first step, which takes place outside at the meter base. The second step occurs indoors where individual surge suppressors are installed to provide your television, telephone, stereo and other electronic equipment with reliable, state-of-the-art surge protection. Selection and installation of secondary protection units are both up to the individual member. Horry Electric can help you find the right protection for your specific needs. A good ground system is essential for surge equipment to work properly. KENICK Surge Protection 101

Commercial & Industrial Lighting Rebate

The LED lighting rebate is for non-residential rate members. A tiered incentive amount will be paid, based on lighting use during on-peak periods, up to a maximum of 50% of total project costs.

All LED installations must meet lighting standards (DLC).

The project must be pre-approved for reimbursement and must be completed after January 1, 2025 and before December 31, 2025.

Community Solar

Community Solar allows Horry Electric members to share in the benefits of solar without having to do anything.

Horry Electric has a 240-kilowatt (KW) Community solar farm across the street from the Conway office, located on Cultra Road. All eligible Horry Electric residential members have the opportunity to purchase a maximum of five (5) shares of solar power from the farm.

If you’re interested and ready to sign up for the Community Solar program, call us at 843.369.2211.


  1. Decide how many blocks of solar power are right for you. If you’d like more Community Solar later on, and it is available, you can select additional blocks.
  2. Complete the subscription agreement and pay the non-refundable upfront charge of $100 per block subscribed. You have the option of subscribing from one to five blocks at the monthly price of $15 per block.
  3. Start receiving solar energy credits on your monthly electric bill. Each month, you will receive a credit for a portion of the production from the Community Solar farm. Your portion is based on how many solar blocks you have selected.

Any standard post-pay residential Horry Electric member may participate in the Community Solar program on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • It’s hassle free. This means there are no holes in your roof and there’s no system to set up and maintain.
  • The co-op assumes all liabilities and maintenance on the solar system.
    • No solar panel cleaning or safety concerns
  • No Homeowners Association restrictions
  • Subscriptions are transferable from location to location with the member.
  • Community Solar creates clean energy that is environmentally friendly.
  • Non-refundable upfront charge – $100 per block
  • Monthly charge – $15 per block
  • Monthly credit – Average of 150 kWh
  • Applicable tax credits are figured into the Community Solar program pricing.

The average residential member uses approximately 1,200 kWh per month.

Please note: These figures are only averages; solar energy production will fluctuate month-to-month based on the weather and time of year.

You are subscribing to the energy produced by the solar farm in blocks of kW.

The overall program term is 25 years. There is no minimum term, but a 30-day notice is required for cancellation.

Horry Electric’s first Community Solar array will produce approximately 250 kW per month, which is roughly equivalent to the energy used by 31 average homes in HEC’s service are. However, it is important to note that solar production will vary from month to month based on weather and time of year. For the average home, one block will cover approximately 12.5% of the home’s energy use.

While the cost of installing solar panels on your home varies greatly from house to house, the pricing for our Community Solar program is in line with the average cost of putting solar panels on the home without having equipment installed on your property.

If your subscription produces more energy than your home consumes in one month, the extra solar energy goes into a “bank” on your account that will be used in the next month(s). Any excess production credit will be rolled over to the following month and be reset to zero annually on September 1.

If the Community Solar arrays are damaged during a storm, you will receive a proportionate share of the energy produced by any non-damaged panels while repairs are made.

CNB Loan Program

Horry Electric and Conway National Bank (CNB) have a program partnership to offer financing for energy efficient home improvements. Members who are homeowners and have a minimum of 18 months of service with timely payments are eligible to apply.

New construction and rental properties are not eligible for the program. 

Approved CNB Loan Program Contractors

Energy Saver

Discover Energy Saving Opportunities which may be available for your home or business through Energy Saver

Summer peak hours begin April 1. Peak hours will be from 3 - 6  p.m. (April 1 - October 31). Click below to learn more about rates and peak hours.