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February edition of SCL with Legislative Guide online now!

Cover of Horry Electric’s edition of South Carolina Living.

The Feburary 2021 edition of South Carolina Living magazine has been uploaded to horryelectric.com! It will be delivered to the mailboxes of subscribing members soon!

The main part of South Carolina Living magazine, which can also be found online, includes the usual recipes, plus a few feature articles about interesting people and places in our own state!

We only published two pages of local co-op news in this month’s edition of the magazine. The main feature of this publication is the 2021-2022 Legislative Guide. You can use it to keep in touch with elected officials in Columbia and Washington, D.C.

The directory includes the name of each legislator, plus their district number and the names of the counties in which they serve. Addresses and telephone numbers for each are included. Some of our representatives have websites, while others have email addresses.

The Legislative Guide also includes information about the Public Service Commission and the Office of Regulatory Staff.

All information in the directory is current as of January 2021, but is subject to change without notice.

The February 2021 edition has two pages dedicated to local news about your co-op. Highlights include: 

  • CEO Column– A thank you to legislators.
  • Various co-op news: Virtual Youth Experience returns in 2021; applications open now for two WIRE scholarships.
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