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February 21 application deadline for two great opportunities for students!

combined_WYT_CYS_verticalElectric Cooperative Washington Youth Tour for High School Juniors:  Experience Washington D.C. with nearly 1500 high school juniors from across South Carolina and the country, meeting lawmakers and touring all the sights.

Cooperative Youth Summit for High School Sophomores: Experience South Carolina’s capital like never before! Tour the Statehouse, meet lawmakers and see how co-ops are preparing for our state’s energy future. Plus, there’s plenty of time to visit Columbia’s popular attractions, including Riverbanks Zoo!

A personal interview is part of the selection process for all Horry Electric representatives. Study materials are sent to nominated students well in advance of the date scheduled for the process of selecting the four sophomore representatives Cooperative Youth Summit and the four junior representatives for Washington Youth Tour.

youth tour adApplications are available in an online submission format for the Cooperative Youth Summit and for the Electric Cooperative Washington Youth Tour.

You can also download a copy of the 2020 Youth Summit application or the 2020 Electric Cooperative Washington Youth Tour application and submit them in paper form.

Find out more

Horry Electric Cooperative’s Youth Tour Coordinator is Toni Gore, who can be reached at 843.369.6359 or toni.gore@horryelectric.com


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For the safety of members and employees, Horry Electric offices will be closed Wednesday, January 22 until further notice due to Winter Storm Enzo. 

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and pray for everyone's safety during the storm.