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2020 W.I.R.E. Scholarship now open

SC WIREHorry Electric Cooperative’s W.I.R.E (Women Involved in Rural Electrification) chapter is now accepting applications for the 2020 W.I.R.E. scholarship.

Applicants must be an Horry Electric member or dependent of a member. The applicant must also live in the home with the member.

IMG_8837The 2019 scholarship was awarded to Mackenzie Johnson, a senior through Bob Jones Homeschool Program.

Mackenzie (pictured with parents Craig and Jennifer Johnson) received the scholarship in May 2019 with plans of attending Horry-Georgetown Technical College to major in physical therapy.

The $1,500 scholarship is for one academic year for a freshman entering Coastal Carolina University or Horry-Georgetown Technical College. $750 will be awarded for the fall semester and the additional $750 will be awarded contingent upon meeting the G.P.R. requirement.

The deadline to apply is Monday, March 2, 2020.

Applications have been sent to all Horry County high schools and are available through the guidance counselor. Students can also download the full scholarship criteria and application from this news story.

Applications can be mailed to:

Mrs. Susan Brown
Horry Electric Cooperative, Inc.
P.O. Box 119
Conway, S.C. 29538-0119

You can also email applications to susan.brown@horryelectric.com.

WIRE Scholarship Criteria and Application 2020

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