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Winter Peak Hours: 6-9 a.m.

Energy use on Thanksgiving and Black Friday different from typical weekdays

Did you know that hourly electricity use on Thanksgiving and the following day (Black Friday) tend to have different demand patterns from other weekdays?

Peaks in electricity demand result from simultaneous electricity use in the residential and commercial sectors.

On the HORRY ELECTRIC system, demand peaks during Winter months are typically early in the mornings (6-9 am). In Summer months, the peak is in the early evenings (4-7 pm).

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, on Thanksgiving Day, residential electricity demand tends to be highest late morning, as families cook meals and gather to celebrate the holiday. And because most businesses are closed, overall electricity demand on Thanksgiving Day tends to be lower.

Weekend days tend to have different electricity use patterns, as the total demand is typically much lower than on a weekday. Unlike most Fridays, Black Friday’s electricity demand closely resembles weekend electricity demand patterns.

We don’t expect to have a Beat the Peak event during the holiday weekend, but it’s always a good idea to monitor your energy use!

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