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Two opportunities for high school juniors!

January 2018 scl_Page_2Horry Electric Cooperative is offering two exciting opportunities to HIGH SCHOOL JUNIORS this summer.

The Electric Cooperative Youth Tour has been scheduled for June 9-14. We’ll be sending four students on this trip. Students will be able to experience Washington D. C. with 1,500 high school juniors from across South Carolina and the country, meeting lawmakers and touring all the sights.

This year, we’re also offering four students an opportunity to participate in The Cooperative Youth Summit, which is scheduled for July 10-13. Students will experience South Carolina’s capital!  They’ll tour the Statehouse, meet lawmakers and see how co-ops are preparing for our state’s energy future. Plus, there’s plenty of fun with visits to popular Columbia attractions like Riverbanks Zoo & Garden.

Applications are available through high school guidance counselors and online at horryelectric.com. We are accepting applications/nominations from any high school JUNIOR in Horry County who is interested in either of these opportunities.  All expenses are paid by the Cooperative. The deadline for applications is Friday, February 28, 2018. 

Students who apply for either opportunity are asked to take a short written test based on study material provided by Horry Electric Cooperative and then participate in a personal interview with representatives of Horry Electric. All study materials will be mailed to students well in advance of the date of the competition.

Based on the results of the test and the interview session, four students will be selected to represent Horry Electric Cooperative at Youth Tour.  Another four students will be selected to represent us at the Cooperative Youth Summit. Two alternates for each trip will also be selected in the event one of the winners is unable to make the trip.

All applicants for the Youth Tour and for the Youth Summit must:

  • Attend high school or career center in Horry County
  • Be currently enrolled as a junior
  • Be nominated by a school representative, county extension agent or church leader
  • Submit application by Friday, February 28th, 2018
  • Participate in test and interview session at the time, date and location set by the Cooperative.

The Electric Cooperative Youth Tour and Youth Summit are both exciting opportunities for students to learn more about the cooperative way of doing business. Please encourage the high school juniors in your school to participate in the competition.

Questions?  Contact Toni Gore, Youth Tour/Youth Summit Coordinator @843.369.2211 or toni.gore@horryelectric.com





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