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Grinding of the Greens 2017/2018

gogpicWe’re very happy to be a part of Grinding of the Greens, a special recycling project led by The Horry County Solid Waste Authority.

We encourage all residents to recycle their live trees when it is time to put away the holiday decorations. You can keep the decorations, just bring the tree to us!  Be sure to remove all the lights, decorations, any tinsel you used to decorate and take the tree out of its tree stand.

Drop off locations are scattered throughout the county. Details are included in this handy GRINDING OF THE GREENS FLYER. You can drop off your tree at any of the locations listed on the flyer between December 26 and January 29.

Trees dropped off will be chipped and recycled into FREE landscaping mulch. The mulch will be available to all citizens while supplies last. Grinding is usually done during the third and/or fourth week of February.  Trees are ground at each drop-off site.  When going to pick up mulch after the trees are ground, please be sure to take your own container.

Last year, more than 1,000 trees were dropped off and ground into mulch.  Let’s see if we can increase that number this year!

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