Last week, nearly 20 students competed for the opportunity to represent Horry Electric at the 2017 Electric Cooperative Youth Tour, scheduled for June 10-15 in Washington D.C.
Jaan Nandwani, a student at the Academy of Arts, Science and Technology and Conway High School students Hailey Prince, Elizabeth Brown and Yasmine Pugh were selected to represent the Cooperative, based on the results of a written test and a personal interview session. They will be joining nearly 1,500 students from across the United States for the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour.
Connor Fata and Breena Cowan of Socastee High School, Ryver Cook of Conway High School and Daniel Mitchell of Myrtle Beach High School were selected as alternates. In the event one of the four selected is unable to attend, an alternate will be tapped to go in their place.
The four alternates will be invited to attend a Cooperative Youth Summit, also scheduled for this summer.
The Washington Youth Tour…
- Rewards students for academic achievement and community leadership
- Educates students about the role of electric co-ops in the national economy
- Fosters students’ appreciation for the democratic form of government
- Exposes students to the sights and sounds of our nation’s heritage
- Builds students’ leadership skills so that they may make a difference in their communities
Students and chaperones…
- Meet South Carolina lawmakers
- Eat at cool restaurants
- Visit our capital’s monuments
- Tour Washington, D.C.
- Socialize with people from S.C. and around the country
For more information about the Washington Youth Tour program, visit youthtour.coop.