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Youth Tour application deadline for high school juniors extended to March 3!

youthtourlogo2013Chance of a lifetime for high school juniors! 

If you are a high school junior living in Horry County, then you’re qualified to apply for a chance to take part in a five-day, expense-paid trip to the nation’s capital on the 2017 Washington Youth Tour!


Winners of Horry Electric Cooperative’s local Youth Tour competition will join students from around the state and nation June 10-15. They’ll tour historic sites, learn about our nation’s government and have lots of fun shopping, dining out, seeing a play and cruising the Potomac at sunset.

Nearly 1,500 students take part each year and four of them are there representing Horry Electric Cooperative.  A quiz and personal interview are part of the selection process. Study materials are sent to nominated students in advance of the date scheduled for the selection process.

Grade point averages are not a consideration. Two alternates will be selected in the event any of the winners are unable to participate.  Applications, made available to guidance counselors earlier this year, are also available online at horryelectric.com.  You can also contact Horry Electric’s Youth Tour Coordinator, Toni Gore via email  (toni.gore@horryelectric.com) or by calling 369-6359.

To find out more about this exciting chance of a lifetime for high school juniors, visit horryelectric.com or youthtour.coop.

PLEASE NOTE: YOUTH TOUR 2017 is unfortunately scheduled for the same time as Palmetto Girls State and Palmetto Boys State, which are scheduled for June 11-17. 

The Washington Youth Tour…

  • Rewards students for academic achievement and community leadership
  • Educates students about the role of electric co-ops in the national economy
  • Fosters students’ appreciation for the democratic form of government
  • Exposes students to the sights and sounds of our nation’s heritage
  • Builds students’ leadership skills so that they may make a difference in their communities

Students and chaperones…

  • Meet South Carolina lawmakers
  • Eat at cool restaurants
  • Visit our capital’s monuments
  • Tour Washington, D.C.
  • Socialize with people from S.C. and around the country

For more information about the Washington Youth Tour program, visit youthtour.coop.

Youth tour applications for students – High School Juniors ONLY – MATERIALS WERE MADE AVAILABLE TO HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE COUNSELORS IN JANUARY. If your counselor no longer has the information, please call Toni Gore, youth tour coördinator for Horry Electric,  at (843) 369-2211.

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